Our blog
For more than forty years, here at CAREL we’ve been dealing with control solutions for air-conditioning and refrigeration, and humidification systems. To keep at the cutting edge we invest in research and development, we study and experiment. Over the years we have written compendiums, presentations and white papers that have been delivered at conferences and to our customers and partners. Quite a large audience in some ways, yet not as vast as it could be.
This is why we have now decided to make all the results of our research more widely available. Because knowledge must not be restricted to the few, but rather must be spread and in turn generate more knowledge. Because, as Lucius Annaeus Seneca wrote, the best ideas are common property.
On the CAREL blog you will find the most recent updates on the topics that matter most to us. It is not the sum total of our knowledge, nor an encyclopaedia. We examine the hot topics that we face and work on every day. In particular special attention is given to refrigerants, especially natural refrigerants, the subject of wide debate in recent times, as well as the various different humidification applications, solutions for data centres and international standards. Each topic is examined in an original way, from the viewpoint of the specific author.
Our bloggers are staff covering a wide range of roles, with different experiences and backgrounds. They all however share a passion for research and professionalism. The slant of the articles reflects the interests and unique point of view of each individual author. The result is a wealth of knowledge explained through the voices of those who have contributed to building it. It is not definitive and closed, but rather an opportunity for open discussion and sharing there we hope you too wish to take part in through your comments.
Comments are welcome. However CAREL reserves the right to delete any comments submitted to the blog that are offensive, off topic or deemed to be spam.
Please be aware that the copyright to all contents on this blog belongs to CAREL and to the contributors that authored the contents.
You are allowed to share and use contents from our Blog page provided that you credit the source and the individual contributor. In case of repost or republish, you provided a hyperlink back to the Blog page from which the excerpt was taken.
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